Bard, K.A. 2007. An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. – Malden/Oxford/Carlton, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing


  • W.M. van Haarlem


The book is preceded by lists of (black-and-white and colour) plates, figures, maps and abbreviations; then a ‘Preface’ and ‘Acknowledgments.’ Special subjects are discussed for each chapter in so-called ‘boxes’, like ‘Napoleon in Egypt,’ ‘Hieroglyphic Signs,’ ‘State Formation,’ ‘the Deir el- Medina Workers,’ etc.

Chapter 1 is concerned with ‘Definitions and History,’ and, apart from discussing methods and theory, also with ancient Egypt in fiction and films. Chapter 2 deals with hieroglyphs, language and chronology; especially the last topic is treated in detail. Chapter 3 presents Egypt’s geography and environment. Not only the ancient environment, but also the modern environmental problems are discussed. The constant threat to ancient sites posed by the growing population and the looting of sites are important factors. Chapters 4 to 10 offer a detailed chronological treatment of the archaeological features of each of the periods in which Egyptian history is commonly divided: Prehistory (chapter 4), the Predynastic and Early Dynastic Age (Chapter 5), Old Kingdom and First Intermediate Period (Chapter 6, including a substantial section on the pyramids), Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period (Chapter 7), the New Kingdom (Chapter 8, with an extensive account on the royal tombs), the Third Intermediate Period (Chapter 9), and finally, in chapter 10, the Greco-Roman Period. Read more...


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Archaeology of Ancient Egypt




How to Cite

van Haarlem, W. (2020). Bard, K.A. 2007. An Introduction to the Archaeology of Ancient Egypt. – Malden/Oxford/Carlton, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 6(3), 01-07. Retrieved from